We left Minneapolis around 11:15 PM and got to Portland on time... roughly 10:00 AM. The trip was mixed, but I'd do it again, though maybe not for a few months.
First, the downside. The ride is very rough and, obviously, slow. Allegedly, we got up to 79 mph once or twice, but mostly it was much slower. The lurching from side to side made it hard to walk; European trains are much smoother. There was no wifi, except though the phone of a guy we were talking to. Sleeping in the coach seats was nearly impossible.
But, people were friendly, and we were right near the lounge, with more comfortable chairs and large windows. Plus, the food was really very good, and not all that pricey. And much of the trip was beautiful, even through North Dakota.
Some people we meant filled us in on the situation in western ND, since the oil boom. Jobs at Walmart and McDonalds are going begging, even though they are offering as much as $17.00 per hour. Modest 2 bedroom apartments in small towns rent for as much as $2500 a month, if one can be found. Old people and others on fixed incomes are being forced out of their long-time rentals. And there are dozens of "mancamps," which provided room/board for the oil workers. Some also provide traveling casinos, complete with poles and dancers, that go from camp to camp.
Unfortunately, we hit the mountains about dark, but did get to travel along the Columbia after dawn... simply beautiful but too dark for photos.